Well people... are you surprised? If you are you shouldn't be. Yesterday when I heard the news, I immediately went to my faithful Yahoo weather reporter and found out that in Australia where the big lightening storm supposedly interfered with communications, the weather was 81 degrees and the visibility unlimited! Again, I'm not surprised. Of course today they're saying that it apparently isn't due to the lightening storm but something worse. Maybe it was taken over by the military like the other one. Maybe they saw something that they don't want out yet. It's my belief (and this isn't a new one at all folks), that they already know and believe that there was once an intelligent civilization on Mars. It's simply a matter of timing for them as to when they will reveal this to the public. there are a lot of complications in making such a statement. I won't go over them here. But don't they think we're on to them by now?????
For goodness sake! Water was found in 1980. We documented that in an article by Melody Mehta. And what about Harry Jordan's work? There's so much evidence it's really becoming rediculous.
It's my belief when we finally find out the entire truth we're going to really be surprised. We're going to feel very foolish at how much we have been underestimating the government's lies and condescension.
And now... here we are.. listening to another trumped up excuse and then we will still paymore taxes for more trips to space. Meanwhile things here on the ground are worse than ever. From a social scientist's point of view (and that's exactly what I really am), I am disgusted at the separation between the haves and the have nots. And I am not a liberal, I am very conservative. I see the level and amount of crime that exists, and the debt, and the government wants to spend even more billions on going to space.
What do you think?
Thursday, January 22, 2004
"Whoops There Goes Another Rubber Tree!"
Surprise! Surprise!
or "Here rover! Here boy!
Posted by
1/22/2004 05:07:00 PM
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
"OH! We're So Baffled!"
Sometimes when I've had a bad day and I come home from work, sit down and take a look at the day's news, I get very angry. It's just in my personality. I don't really do anything violent with the anger, or "innappropriate" as one might say. But I am grateful that I have an outlet to put my words into feelings.
Today was one of those days.
I read the space news on Yahoo and found an article on the most recent stuff on Mars. Here's a quote:
"'Mars is not going to give up its secrets easily. It is
going to take a lot of time,' Steve Squyres, the mission's
principal investigator, told a news briefing."
What secrets????? This statement typifies the attitude and pride of these people. They don't listen to anyone else. They won't entertain any ideas that even suggest going off the beaten path.
"Soil samples taken by complex instruments on the six-wheeled robot Spirit last week showed large amounts of silicon and iron, and smaller amounts of sulfur, chlorine,
calcium and nickel on the surface of the Gusev Crater -- a barren, wind-swept basin that scientists believe may have been the site of an ancient lake bed once fed by a Martian river."
Has anyone wondered why they landed in a lake bed? I have an idea. I think they were afraid if they landed anywhere else they might find evidence of the civilization that once thrived on Mars. What better place to find "nothing".
"scientists were surprised to find olivine -- a mineral normally found in volcanic rocks -- and speculated that the sample surface soil could be ground up lava."
Does anyone know where else you find Olivine in the universe? Long time readers of this site will remember right away. You'll find an article on TMG that describes the discovery of olivine on Hale Bopp! So what does this mean? Olivine is created by high temperatures. That's why it is found around volcanoes. And it isn't just created at the mouth of volcanoes or around the surface, close to volcanoes. It's created deep within the volcano where the heat and pressure is much more intense than the heat and pressures that can exist on the surface. But wait, if it's found on the surface of Mars - where's the volcano? Actually no where near the lake bed. Remember - it's a lake bed. Oh yeah--- I know--- "millions and millions" of years ago... yadda yadda yadda.... Here's an alternative theory: When the comet/planet Venus came close to the planet Mars, it reached out and "touched" Mars with lightening bolts never before or since seen in this solar system. It carved a huge canyon across the face of Mars, destroying a civilization, a people and their structures. A bolt of electricity that powerful could create olivine. Just like it did on the surface of Hale Bopp. And if they argue with that idea then they will have to accept the fact that Hale Bopp was planet sized and had volcanoes on it. Don't think they'll accept that. Wiggle, slip and slide out of every truth.
Squyres said scientists were also puzzled by what he called a "chemical glue" that was holding the fine grains of reddish soil together in minuscule clumps.
IT'S A LAKE BED FOLKS! You know crusty surface from dried mud! No... they can't say that. To say that would be admiting that this lake bed was created recently. Say just a few years ago! Otherwise the soil would've broken down long ago. Listen... there's not really any new building materials in the universe. The same things are found everywhere, just in different proportions and mixes.
So I got pretty angry today. I'll try and get over it. But why should I? What they are doing is criminal. Now we're going back to the moon (and I'll believe that when I see it), and to Mars supposedly. And NASA is already crying that the HST is doomed. They've cancelled the shuttle program. In the last article Ray commented that this Mars and comet Wild stuff is a distraction. I have to agree with him. We were warned about the shuttle program. And we pushed it. And lives were lost in the shoot down of the shuttle. Maybe now we're listening to them. Stop the shuttle program or else. Unmanned flights. Don't be surprised if they don't allow that either. Maybe we're being prepared by the government to expect the demise of the HST due to the absence of future maintenance. What's really happening, is that they're preparing us to believe that reason, when it might be another reason!
Comments please!
Posted by
1/20/2004 05:17:00 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
What's Hiding In The Bushes?
Well... Here we go... A moon base? Manned flights to the moon? If JPL were a stock, would you buy it? Or NASA? I don't think so. Would you bet on it? Maybe... but probably only if you were in deep hock and were going the long shot. That's exactly what NASA is - a long shot. So let's take this a little further. Let's say you are deep in debt, you're hard working, generally honest, and you need a break. No one's going to break your legs if you don't pay them, just a lot of credit card debt. You have family and responsibilties, etc.. Would you go out and spend the majority of your paycheck on a bad bet? Not at all. Only if you're addicted to gambling, right? You see where I'm going. Our national debt is over 7 trillion dollars! Medicare is in big trouble. Bush wants another man on the moon in 2015. I'll be 65 then! Wonder if I'll have Social Security & Medicare available to me? The health care system is close to falling apart - I know, I work in it! The infrastructure of the country is in the worse mess it has ever been. Corporate greed is at an all time high. And I'm wondering about my pension too nowadays! Taxes are out of control - you're taxed at your job several times over, at the gas station, at the grocery store, everywhere! And in addition to all of this the word on the street is that just about everybody you talk to opposes space exploration. I heard Rush Limbaugh today say that our standard of living is better than it has ever been. I would like to agree with him, but I can't. So why now? I'm sorry democrats, Bush is a shoe in, in the next election. But then again maybe the space thing will do him in. Not likely. Anyway, why now? Why Mars? It just doesn't make sense. Are my suspicions warranted? What's going on here? I know I'm very paranoid... very much a skeptic... Mr. Conspiracy! You know what they say, "you're not paranoid if they're really following you!" If you haven't seen ""A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon", you should! As a matter of fact, just take the time to look at all of the opposition to this video. It's incredible. What a ruckus! It really hit a chord. The name calling alone should tell us something.
I ask the question again - why now? I have to look back over our postings over the past year or two. Is there a reason in there? Or is it just that there is oil or gold on the moon and mars? Doubt it. Or for military bases?
I am posting an article called "Who Are They". The quesiton is not about who the possible aliens are, the aliens are taken for granted - they exist. The title asks who on the earth is in cahoots with them. Many things in the article I don't agree with, but the questions are very good and lead into our ideas of "who" we believe that they are.
What do you think? I want to know why you think Bush is pushing this right now.
Posted by
1/14/2004 07:07:00 PM
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
We're Back?
As I have watched with interest, the events of the last few days, I tried to keep in perspective exactly what I was seeing and hearing. To put a couple of "rovers" on Mars - price tag = $800million dollars. Let me write that out completely - $800,000,000! To retreive a "thimble full" of dust that may or may not be what they call "primordial" - price tag = $118million dollars. The numbers get so big, that if I don't have them exactly right, either up or down, it doesn't make much difference to me. But to thousands and thousands of people starving, going without shelter, even struggling week to week, paycheck to paycheck, it means a lot. The NASA motivation, national support... whatever it is that they are "back" to, doesn't mean a lot to those people. Actually it seems a little too premature, a little too pushy right now. As though they are trying a little too hard. I guess I could say that I would expect that however. They have really failed in the last few years.
But what exactly have they to show is they want to claim that they "are back?" First of all the rover that was just supposedly set down on Mars. I say "supposedly" because I don't trust anything that they tell us anymore. Conspiracy? Absolutely. Funneling money, maintaining power over a nation, whatever their impetus, conspiracies are real. I don't care what I'm called. I don't care what people say about me and my ideas. There comes a time when you must state your opinion. Stand up and be counted. And if it turns out that I am nutzoid - then so be it. Do you really think that is our government found evidence of a civilization on Mars they would openly tell the public? If you think that they would, then you're more foolish than I my friend.
Today I listened to the Stardust team talk about their success. They did get a number of questions about the surface of the comet and the origin of the surface's rough surface. At no time did I hear the explaination that the craters and impressions were caused by electrical charges. But I could imagine the gears turning in some of the questions on the subject. Outgassing? Foolishness! Of course they said that they saw streaming outgassing, but they failed to show the video that showed what they said was outgassing.
"We're back?" Show us the promised Hale Bopp images - the thousands of thousand high resolution images of Hale Bopp and the video. Then we can start talking about trust again. I'm so sick and tired of paying so much in taxes to government without representation. Remember that statement - Taxation without representation? I don't live too far from JPL, maybe I'll go and buy a case of tea and dump it on their doorstep? Wanna go with me? No more crazier than the founder of JPL. Know him? Look him up you'll be quite surprized!
Posted by
1/06/2004 03:29:00 PM